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Idioms and Colloquial Words in English
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A bad egg (a rotten egg)негодяй, нечестный человекარამზადა, უსინდისო, უნამუსო ადამიანიHe's a bad egg - don't believe anything he says.
A big fish in a small pondважная персона местного масштабаპატარა გუბეს დიდი თევზი, მნიშვნელოვანი პერსონა ადგილობრივი მასშტაბისJane might think she has power but she's just a big fish in a small pond.
A bighead (big-head, big head)тщеславный, самодовольный, самовлюбленный, с завышенной самооценкойდიდთავა, თავმომწონე, თვითშეყვარებული, გადაჭარბებული თვითშეფასებითHe's had a bighead ever since he won that championship.
A bird-brainнедалекий, глупый человекგონებაშეზღუდული, ჭკუამოკლე ადამიანიHe's just a bird-brain - he can't get anything right.
A bird's eye viewС высоты птичьего полета, обозревать картину полностью не вдаваясь в деталиჩიტის თვალსაწიერიდან დანახულიThe course provides a bird's-eye view of the works of Mozart, but it doesn't deal with them in enough detail for your purpose.
A brickнадежный, заслуживающий доверия человек, хороший помощникსანდო პიროვნება, კარგი დამხმარეWhen he is well, She gives him hell; But she's a brick When he is sick. (Auden W. H.)
A carrot and stickметод кнута и пряникаმათრახი და თაფლაკვერიSometimes I just have to resort to the carrot and stick approach with my children.
A fish out of waterне в своей стихииგუნებაზე არ არის, უგუნებოდააAfter living in Hong Kong for most of his life, Lee was a fish out of water in Los Angeles.
A flash of inspirationпорыв вдохновенияშთაგონების იმპულსიThe idea for my song came to me in a flash of inspiration!
A hot potatoщекотливая тема, опасная темаსაჩოთირო საკითხიThe abortion issue is a political hot potato in the United States.
A lick and a promiseработа, сделанная кое-как, работа, сделанная спустя рукаваუგულოდ, უხეიროდ, ცუდად შესრულებული სამუშაოMary spent so much time on her history paper that she had to finish her math homework with a lick and a promise.
A little bird told meслухами земля полнится, способ показать что источник информации не будет раскрытჩიტმა ამბავი მოიტანა"So who told you she'd got the job?" "Oh, let's just say a little bird told me so."
A long (hard, tough) row to hoeтрудная задача, отнимающая много времени и сил; ещё пахать и пахатьხანგრძლივი და მძიმე სამუშაო, თოხნე და ბარეAt 32 and with two children, she found attending medical school a hard row to hoe.
A month of Sundays (not in a month of Sundays)долгий срок, целая вечностьერთი საუკუნე, ხანგრძლივი პერიოდი1) It will take a month of Sundays to phone all the students in our school. 2) He's never going to get that ​finished in a month of Sundays! 3) "I think I know what you're about," he gritted, "but it'll never work - not in a month of Sundays."
A rolling stone (A rolling stone gathers no moss)перекати-поле; человек, постоянно меняющий место жительства или работу, не желающий обосноваться; лёгкий на подъём человекმოხეტიალე, მოუსვენარი, დაუდეგარი დაუდგრომელი ადამიანი Mama just hung her head and said, "Papa was a rolling stone, my son. Wherever he laid his hat was his home. (And when he died) All he left us was alone."
A shoulder to cry onвозможность найти сочувствие, эмоциональную поддержку, поплакаться в жилеткуემოციური მხარდაჭერის, გაგებისა და თანაგრძნობის მოპოვებაI wish you'd been here when my mother died and I needed a shoulder to cry on.
A spin doctorэксперт в области связей с общественностьюსპეციალისტი საზოგადოებასთან ურთიერთობის დარგშიMany believed that the reduction in public spending was a disaster but the spin doctors presented it as a triumph for lower taxation.
About timeдавно пора, с большим запозданиемკარგა ხანია დროა, დაგვიანებულიც არისIt's about time, you understood which road to take. It's a fine line, your decision makes a difference. Get it wrong, you'll be making a big mistake.
Across the boardодинаково для всех, без всяких различийყველასთვის ერთნაირად, განურჩევლად განსხვავებული თავისებურებისThe school board raised the pay of all the teachers across the board.
Act upплохо себя вести, неправильно функционироватьარასწორად იქცევა, არასწორად ფუნქციონირებს, გამართული არ არის1) I think I need to take my car to mechanic because it's acting up again. 2) Sophie got bored and started acting up.
Against the clockторопиться что-либо сделать пока не поздно, наперегонки со временемრბოლა დროის წინააღმდეგ, დროის გასწრებაზეIn a race against the clock, they rushed the accident victim to the hospital.
Agree to differостаться при своём мненииვეთანხმებით იმაში რომ არ ვეთანხმებით ერთმანეთსI think we will have to agree to differ.
Air one`s dirty laundry (linen) in publicвыносить сор из избы, перемывать грязное бельё при всехშინაური ამბების გახმაურება, შარაზე გამოტანა, საქვეყნოდ გახდაThey are arguing again. Why must they always air their dirty linen in public?
All earsвесь вниманиеყურადღებით, მოუთმენლად ვუსმენI'm all ears - tell us what they had to say.
All hell break looseситуация становится неуправляемой, творится хаосსიტუაცია უმართავია, არეულობააOne policeman drew his gun and then suddenly all hell broke loose.
All in a day's workнеприятное но ожидаемое, не труднее чем обычно, обыденноеარასასიამოვნო მაგრამ ჩვეულებრივი მოვლენა1) I don't particularly like to cook, but it's all in a day's work. 2) Cleaning up after other people is all in a day's work for a busboy.
All in allсуммарно, в целомსაერთო ჯამშიAll in all you're just another brick in the wall.
All in one pieceцелым и невредимымცოცხალი და უვნებელიHer son came home from school all in one piece, even though he had been in a fight.
All in your headты это все придумываешь, это тебе кажетсяგეჩვენება, მოგონილიაThose two guys are not following you, it's all in your head.
All of a suddenвнезапно, неожиданноუეცრად, მოულოდნელადWe were watching television when all of a sudden the electricity went off.
All over the mapс большим разбросом, в разных направлениях, без единой целиგაფანტული, მიყრილ-მოყრილი, აბნეული, დაბნეული, არეული1) We can't stay in business if our finances are gonna be all over the map like this. 2) The reactions to the change were all over the map. Some people were pleased, some were angry, and some were indifferent.
All that glitters is not goldне всё золото, что блеститყველაფერი რაც ბრწყინავს ოქრო არ არისAndrea's been showing off her designer necklace all day, but don't be impressed - it's a fake! All that glitters is not gold!
All thumbsнеловкий, неуклюжий (все пальцы на руке – большие)მოუქნელი, უხეში, ყველაფერი ხელიდან უვარდებოდაLittle Sam broke a cup and his Mom said he was all thumbs.
Also-ranнеудачник, посредственность, заурядный человек, пустое местоუბედო, უიღბლო, ბედუკუღმართი, მარცხიანი, არაფრის გამკეთებელი ადამიანიOh, he's just another also-ran. Ignore the also-rans.
An amber gamblerводитель, который не останавливается на желтый цвет и начинает движение не дождавшись зеленогоმძღოლი, რომელიც არ აჩერებს ყვითელზე და იწყებს მოძრაობას სანამ აინთო მწვანე1) She's an impatient driver - a bit of an amber gambler. 2) As many as 85 per cent admit “amber gambling” – trying to race through lights about to turn red.
An apple-pie orderполный порядокუნაკლო წესრიგიPlease put everything in apple-pie order before you leave.
An arm and a legогромная сумма денегუზარმაზარი თანხაThese opera tickets cost us an arm and a leg!
An oddball (odd ball, odd bod, odd fish)чудак, эксцентричный человек, оригинал, человек с заскокамиახირებული, უცნაური, ექსცენტრული ადამიანიAdam Smith is an oddball, and very often he doesn’t act like other people.
Applesauceчепуха, ерунда, чушьსისულელე, აბდაუბდა, უაზრობა1) That's just applesauce! 2) Stop talking that applesauce! 3) All that talk about taking up the farming life was just a lot of spoiled applesauce.
Around the clock24 часа, круглосуточноდღე-ღამეMost of the supermarkets in big American cities work around the clock.
Arsy-versyшиворот-навыворот, в полном беспорядке, задом напередუკუღმა, წაღმა-უკუღმა, თავდაყირა, ყირამალა1) I try to do it in a kind of arsy-versy way with my system of having an assistant director. 2) They got things all arsy-versy.
As a last resort (one's last resort)в крайнем случае, последнее средство უკიდურეს შემთხვევაში, ბოლო იმედი1) Call me at home only as a last resort. 2) You have to help me - you're my last resort.
As cheap as chips (dirt cheap)очень дешевый, копейкиძალიან იაფი, ჩალის ფასად ღირებულიMobile phones used to be very expensive. Today they are as cheap as chips.
As easy as abc (as easy as pie)очень легко, как дважды два - четыреძალიან ადვილია, როგორც ორჯერ ორი1) You won't have any problems assembling your new bed - it's as easy as abc. 2) Having a busy schedule prevents me from making a hearty breakfast for myself, so I just have a quick bowl of cereal in the morning because it saves me time and is as easy as pie to make.
As often as notчасто, время от времениხშირად, დროდადროAs often as not when I make the effort to visit her, I wonder why I've even bothered.
As right as rainв полном порядкеსრულ წესრიგშიI'll be as right as rain as soon as I take my pills.
Ask for the moonпросить или желать невозможногоმოსთხოვო შეუძლებელიDon't ask for the moon. Be reasonable, please.
At a priceпо высокой ценеმაღალ ფასადProgress has been achieved, but at a price. Many who worked on farms and in factories are now without jobs.
At someone's beck and call [The USA misspelling: beckon call]на побегушках, в подчиненииხელქვეითად, მთლიანად ვინმეს განკარგულებაში ყოფნაImagine what it's like to have a cook and a maid at your beck and call.
At the eleventh hourв последний моментბოლო წამებში1) She always turned her term papers in at the eleventh hour. 2) We don't worry about death until the eleventh hour.
Back foot (on the back foot)в обороне, вынужден защищатьсяთავს იცავს, თავს ამართლებსBlamed for cheating in the exam, I was on my back foot and needed to explain the situation to the teacher.
Back on one's feetснова на ногах, восстановиться от травмы или финансовой неудачи, встать на ногиაღდგენა ტრავმის ან ფინანსური ჩავარდნის შემდეგI can't afford to buy a car until I get a job and get back on my feet.
Bad bloodвражда, неприязньმტრობა, ქიშპობა When the territory was being settled there was bad blood between the farmers and the ranchers.
Bad hatгрубиян, невоспитанный человек или вопиющее проявление невоспитанностиუხეში, უკმეხი, ხეპრეSpeaker1: That is so bad hat. Speaker2: Who says bad hat? Speaker1: I do!
Badly off (worse off - comparative, worst off - superlative)быть в сложном положении, нуждатьсяგაჭირვებაში ყოფნაIt is outrageous that people doing well-paid jobs should moan about how badly off they are.
Ball and chainженаცოლი1) I've got to get home to my ball and chain. 2) My ball and chain is mad at me.
Be bad newsбыть неприятным и нежелательным для другихსხვებისათვის არასასიამოვნო და არასასურველი პიროვნება ან მოვლენა1) I've worked with her in the past and I'm telling you she's bad news. 2) The government's failure to be firm on air quality is bad news for the environment.
Be barking up the wrong treeошибаться по поводу причин чего-либо или способов достижения чего-либоცდები, იქ არ ეძებ სადაც საჭიროაShe thinks it'll solve the problem, but I reckon she's barking up the wrong tree.
Be in the doghouseпопасть в опалу, в немилость, опозоритьсяიყო ათვალწუნებული, საძულველიI'm in the doghouse - I broke Sara's favourite vase this morning.
Be dead in the waterв тупике, в безысходном положенииჩიხში იმყოფება, გამოუვალ მდგომარეობაშია1) So how does a government revive an economy that is dead in the water? 2) The project is out of funds and dead in the water for the time being.
Be left holding the baby (be left holding the bag)остаться в беде одномуგასაჭირში მარტო დატოვებულიHe abandoned the project after a year because he felt that it was going to fail and I was left holding the baby.
Be my guestпожалуйста, ради богаგთხოვთ, ნუ გერიდებათMay I drive your car? Sure, be my guest.
Be on the ballсхватывать на лету, быть на высотеსწრაფად ერკვევა სიტუაციაში, არ დაიკარგება1) You really have to be on the ball when you keep an eye on your grandkids. 2) Be on the ball! We can’t loose this match
Be-all and end-allсамое главное в жизниცხოვრებაში ყველაზე მნიშვნელოვანიHe acts as if making money is the be-all and end-all of human existence.
Bear a grudge (against someone) Have a grudge, Hold a grudgeиметь зуб против кого-либоვიღაცის მიმართ ცუდად განწყობილიShe bears a grudge against the judge who sentenced her.
Bear the bruntпринимать на себя главный ударმთავარი დარტყმის (სიძნელის) თავის თავზე აღებაWhy don’t you talk with her the next time? I’m tired of bearing the brunt.
Beat around the bushходит вокруг да около, подходит к делу издалека, не говорит прямоგარშემო, შორიახლოს უვლის, პირდაპირ არ ამბობს1) Stop beating around the bush and answer my question. 2) And then, without beating around the bush, he said, 'How much is there for me?”
Beat the rapизбежать наказанияდაუსჯელად დარჩენაHe was charged with drunk driving, but he beat the rap.
Beat someone to the punch / beat someone to the drawсделать что-либо раньше других, опередить, обскакатьგასწრება, სხვებზე ადრე გაკეთება1) I was thinking of applying for that job but Carol beat me to the punch. 2) I planned to write a book about using the new software program, but someone else beat me to the draw.
Beat the air / beat the windзаниматься бесполезным делом, толочь воду в ступе, попусту старатьсяუაზრო და უშედეგო საქმიანობაThe candidates for office were so much alike that we thought our vote amounted to beating the air.
Bent on doing somethingвынужден, обязан сделать что-тоიძულებულია, ვალდებულია გააკეთოსHe was bent on getting married as soon as possible.
Bite the dustумереть, сыграть в ящик, прекратить существование, быть поверженным во прахგარდაიცვალა, გავიდა მარილზე Poor old Bill bit the dust while mowing the lawn. They buried him yesterday.
Blind dateсвидание вслепую, романтическое свидание мужчины и женщины, которые еще не знакомы друг с другомპაემანი ალალბედზე, რომანტიული პაემანი კაცის და ქალისა, რომლებიც ერთმანეთს ჯერ არ იცნობენShe refuses to go on a blind date again because she had bad experience.
Bone up onзубрить, интенсивно учитьсяინტენსიური სწავლა, ზუთხვა, დაზეპირებაI have to bone up on the state driving laws because I have to take my driving test tomorrow.
Bottle out [from the Cockney Rhyming Slang 'bottle and glass', that is, 'arse']потерять самообладание, отказаться от намеченных планов, сдрейфитьთავდაჯერილობამ უმტყუნა, თავი ვეღარ შეიკავა, შეშინდა1) I was going to enter a belly-dancing contest, but I bottled out at the last minute. 2) This is the big crime, for them: if they are informers or if they don't have the courage to do a crime. They, as they say, ‘bottle out’.
Bottom line (the bottom line)суть, главное, конечный результат, сухой остатокსაქმის არსი, საბოლოო შედეგი, ბოლო სიტყვა1) For Americans and Europeans truly to quell the discord that has arisen between them, they need to realize the bottom line in each other's positions. 2) My bottom line on this job is $5000 - I can't do it for less.
Bread-and-butter letterписьмо благодарностиმადლიერების წერილიI got sort of a bread-and-butter letter from my nephew, who wants to visit me next summer.
Break a leg!пожелание удачи перед представлением, ни пуха ни пераსცენაზე წარმატების სურვილი, ღმერთმა ხელი მოგიმართოს!Hey, hope you break a leg tonight.
Bring home the baconзарабатывать деньгиფულის შოვნა, ფულის კეთებაGo out and get a job so you can bring home the bacon.
Bring something home to someone (come home to someone)осознать, увидить в истинном светеშეიგნო, დაინახო სინამდვილე1) It took an international crisis to bring it home to British politicians that they desperately needed allies in Europe. 2) The danger really came home to me when I saw the pictures on TV.
Bring the house downиметь успехწარმატების მოპოვებაThe clown sang a duet with the talking horse, which brought the house down every night.
Bristols [short for Bristol Cities, Cockney Rhyming Slang for titties]женская грудь, сиськиქალის მკერდი, ძუძუებიSo its true? The way to a mans heart is through his stomach? Well it helps if you've got nice Bristols too!
Buck for somethingстремитьсяმისწრაფებაI'm just bucking for recognition and, of course, a 20 percent raise.
Buckle down (to something)взяться за работуსაქმეს მოკიდო ხელი1) If you don't buckle down to your job, you'll be fired. 2) You had better buckle down and get busy.
Bump offубить, прикончить, укокошитьმოცილება, მოკვლა, ჩაკვლაThe crooks bumped off the witness to the crime.
Burst someone's bubbleразрушить иллюзииილუზიების დანგრევაEven if you think I am being foolish, please don't burst my bubble.
Busman’s holidayработа в свободное время, испорченный отпускავტობუსის მძღოლის არდადეგები ანუ ჩვეული მუშაობა არდადეგების დროსTutoring students in the evening is a busman's holiday for our English teacher.
Butt in (on someone or something)перебивать кого-то, прерывать что-тоსიტყვის გაწყვეტინება, სიტყვის ჩამორთმევა, შეწყვეტაPardon me for butting in on your conversation, but this is important.
Buy a pig in a pokeкупить кота в мешкеრაღაცის ყიდვა უნახავად, ინფორმაციის გარეშეBuying a car without test-driving it is like buying a pig in a poke.
By a hair('s breadth) / by a whiskerедва, на волосок, на малом расстоянииკინაღამ, ძლივს, ლამის1) I just missed getting on the plane by a hair's breadth.2) Last time she raced against the Brazilian she won by a whisker.
By hook or crookвсеми правдами и неправдами, любым способомნებისმიერი ხერხითI must have that house. I intend to get it by hook or crook.
By leaps and boundsочень быстро, как на дрожжах, семимильными шагамиძალიან სწრაფად, დიდი პროგრესითThe profits of our company are increasing by leaps and bounds.
By shank's mareпешком, на своих двоихფეხითI'm sore because I've been getting around by shank's mare.
By the seat of one’s pantsбез уменья, благодаря удаче, полагаясь на интуициюინტუიციით და არა ცოდნითAn inexperienced pilot who had to fly the aircraft by the seat of his pants.
Call a spade a spadeназывать вещи своими именамиყველაფერს თავისი სახელი დავარქვათ Well, I believe it’s time to call a spade a spade. We are just avoiding the issue.
Call it a dayзакругляться, закончить работу и уйти домойსამუშაო დღის დასრულება და სახლში წასვლაThe boss was mad because Tom called it a day at noon and went home.
Call it quitsзакончить с этим, покончить с этим, уволиться, быть квитымდასრულება, სამსახურის დატოვება, ანგარიშგასწორებული ვართ1) The relationship had been going from bad to worse and we just decided it was time to call it quits. 2) You paid for the theatre tickets so if I pay for dinner we can call it quits.
Call of natureзов природы, необходимость пойти в туалетტუალეტის საჭიროება და სურვილიStop the car here! I have to answer the call of nature.
Carry coals to Newcastleзаниматься бессмысленным делом, в Тулу со своим самоваромუაზრო საქმიანობაTaking food to a farmer is like carrying coals to Newcastle.
Carry one’s (own) weight / pull one's own weightделать свою часть работы თავისი წილი სამუშაოს შესრულებაTom, you must be more helpful around the house. We all have to carry our own weight.
Carry the bagраспоряжаться деньгами, быть хозяином положенияფულის განმკარგულებელი In our family the mother carries the bag.
Carry weight with someoneвлиять на кого-то, иметь вес для кого-тоმნიშვნელოვანია ვიღაცასთვის, გავლენას ახდენს ვიღაცაზე1) That carries a lot of weight with the older folks. 2) What you say carries no weight with me.
Case of sour grapesхорош виноград, да зеленმკვახე იყო ის ყურძენიI don't think it's such a great job - and that's not just sour grapes because I didn't get it.
Cash in on somethingнажиться на чем-либоრაღაცით გამდიდრება, ფულის შოვნაHer family have been accused of cashing in on her death.
Cash on the barrelhead (cash on the line)деньги наличными в момент покупки, чаще всего во время распродажи; деньги на бочкуანგარიშსწორება ნაღდი ფულით და დაუყოვნებლივ, როგორც წეცი გაყიდვის დროს1) Jonson's store doesn't give credit. Everything is cash on the barrelhead. 2) They offered me fifty thousand dollars cash on the line for Aunt Nancy's old house.
Cash-and-carryплати и уноси, система оплаты наличными и без доставкиგადაიხადე ნაღდი ფულით და წაიღე, მიტანა ადგილზე სესრვისში არ შედისSorry, we don't accept credit cards. This is strictly cash-and-carry.
Catch forty winks (catch some Zs - Zs stands for zeptosecond, a very small unit of time)уснуть, вздремнутьჩათვლემა, წაძინებაI think I'll go to bed and take forty winks. See you in the morning.
Catch-as-catch-can (catch as catch can)достигнутое любым доступным способом, все что можно урвать, лучшее из имеющегосяნებისმიერი ხერხით მიღწეული, საუკეთესო იმისგან რაც არსებობს1) There were ten children in our family, and every meal was catch-as-catch-can. 2) Without a school to go to, her education was catch as catch can.
Cattyязвительный, злобный, ехидныйბოროტი, სარკასტული, გესლიანიThe rivalry between Hollywood actresses Joan Crawford and Bette Davis was famous. They were always making catty comments about each other.
Change of paceсменить обстановку, внести разнообразиеყოველდღიური ცხოვრების შეცვლა, გამრავალფეროვნებაGoing to the beach on the weekend will be a change of pace. The doctor says I need a change of pace from this cold climate.
Cheek by jowlбок о бок, рядом გვერდ-გვერდით, ერთმანეთთან ახლოს1) The poor lived cheek by jowl in industrial mining towns in Victorian England. 2) We lived together in community, cheek by jowl , but were so lonely that we might as well have been living in solitary confinement.
Cheer onподдерживать, быть болельщикомმხარდაჭერა, გულშემატკივრობაI'll be there to cheer you on when the race starts.
Cheese on toastпрекрасно подходит, полностью совместимоძალიან უხდება, შეესაბამება სიტუაციასHer explanation of the impact of ICT on society was as full on and as perfect as cheese on toast.
Cheesed offрассерженный, расстроеный, в плохом настроенииგაბრაზებული, იმედგაცრუებული, ცუდ ხასიათზე1) She's a bit cheesed off with her job. 2) Clare was really cheesed off at the waiter.
Chew the fat (chew the rag)неформально общаться, болтать, трепаться, ворчать ლაქლაქი, ყბედობა, ბუზღუნი1) Sit yourself down and let's chew the fat for a while. 2) We were just chewing the rag. Nothing important.
Chicken outсдрейфить, спасовать, трусливо сбежать, пойти на попятныйშეშინება, დაფრთხობა, უკან დახევა1) Freddy chickened out of the plan at the last minute. 2) I was going to go bungee jumping, but I chickened out.
Chip inскинуться, дать небольшую сумму денег на какие-либо целиფულის დადება საერთო მიზნისათვის1) Could you chip in a dollar on the gift, please? 2) I will chip in a little with you on a gift for Carol.
Clean as a hound’s tooth (clean as a whistle)чистый, невиновный, чист как слеза младенцаსუფთა, უდანაშაულო1) John had faith that he would not be convicted for the robbery, since he had been clean as a hound’s tooth since getting out of prison. 2) Jane's record was clean as a whistle; she had never committed even the smallest infraction.
Clear as mud (as clear as mud)неясный, непонятныйგაუგებარი, ბუნდოვანი, გაურკვეველი1) This physics chapter is clear as mud to me. 2) His instructions were as clear as mud.
Climb the wall(s)крайняя форма огорчения и беспокойства; беситьсяგულისტკივილის და შეწუხების უკიდურესი ფორმა; თმებს იგლეჯსHe was home for only three days; then he began to climb the wall.
Cloak-and-daggerсекретный, связаный с интригами, шпионский, романтическийსაიდუმლო, ფარული, ჯაშუშური, რომანტიკულიI'm tired of all these cloak-and-dagger meetings - let's discuss the issues openly.
Close as two coats of paintблизкие люди, закадычные друзьяახლობელი, გულითადი მეგობარიWhen Tom and Mary were in high school, they were as close as two coats of paint.
Close shaveпочти неминуемая гибельთითქმის გარდაუვალი დაღუპვა, სიცოცხლე ბეწვზე ეკიდაI had a close shave this morning, - some idiot almost knocked me off my bike.
Clue inразъяснить, подсказать, проинформироватьახსნა, კარნახი, ინფორმირება Clue us in on how these forms are to be filled out.
Clutch at straws (grasp the straws)хвататься за соломинку, продолжать попытки решить что-либоწყალწაღებული ხავსს ეჭიდებაShe offered to take a pay cut to keep her job, but she was just clutching at straws.
Cock of the walkсамоуверенный человек, ставящий себя выше другихთვითდარწმუნებული, თავდაჯერებული პიროვნებაThe deputy manager was cock of the walk until the new manager arrived.
Coffee-table bookкнига, в которой оформление лучше, чем содержание; книга для интерьераკარგად გაფორმებული წიგნი, ინეტერიერის დეტალი, წიგნის შინაარსს დიდი მნიშვნელობა არა აქვსA glossy coffee table book of his art work will be published next year.
Cold comfortслабое утешениеსუსტი ნუგეშიShe knows there are others worse off than she is, but that’s cold comfort.
Cold feet (Typically: get ~; have ~; give someone ~)сдрейфить, испугатьсяშეშინებული, დაფეთებული, დაფეთიანებული, დამფრთხალიI'm worried she may be getting cold feet about our trip to Patagonia.
Cold fishбесчувственный человекგულქვა, გულცივი პიროვნებაI hate to shake hands with a cold fish like that. He didn't even smile.
Come hell or high waterв любом случае, что бы ни случилосьრაც არ უნდა მოხდეს, ნებისმიერ შემთხვევაშიI'll be there tomorrow, come hell or high water.
Come in out of the rain вернуться с небес на землюდაუბრუნდი რეალობას, აზრზე მოდიIf he doesn't come in out of the rain, things will get out of control.
Come out of left fieldпоявиться неожиданно, откуда не ждалиმოულოდნელი გამოჩენა, საიდანაც არ ელოდნენYour remarks came out of left field. I can't understand your complaint.
Come to a headдойти до точки, когда проблему нужно решать; дойти до краяბოლო წერტილამდე მიყვანა, იქ სადაც პრობლემა უნდა გადაიჭრასThings hadn't been good between us for a while and this incident just brought it to a head.
Come to grips with something (Get to grips with something)приложить усилия, чтобы понять и справиться с проблемой или ситуациейღონე იხმარო სიტუაციის ან პრობლემის დასაძლევად1) The government have failed to come to grips with the two most important social issues of our time. 2) I can't seem to get to grips with this problem.
Conceited as a barber’s catсамодовольный, заносчивыйთვითყმაყოფილი, დიდგულა, ყოყოჩაMy friend became as conceited as a barber's cat after she won the award at school.
Conk outсвалиться, заглохнуть, выйти из строя, сломатьсяდაეცა, ჩაკვდა, გამოვიდა მწყობრიდან, გაფუჭდა1) I was so tired, I conked out on the couch and never even made it into bed. 2) My radio conked out again, so I couldn't hear the weather reports.
Cook someone’s gooseнавредить, подложить свинью ზიანი მიუყენო, საქმე ჩაუშალო ვინმეს1) I cooked my own goose by not showing up on time. 2) He thinks he'll get away with stealing my idea, but I'm going to cook his goose.
Cool as a cucumberспокойный, невозмутимыйაღუშფოთველი, მშვიდი, თავდაჭერილიWhen everything seems to be going wrong, she stays as cool as a cucumber.
Cool one’s heelsпровести время в ожиданииდროს გატარება ლოდინშიThe doctor kept her cooling her heels for almost an hour.
Cop a pleaпризнаться в преступлении, в надежде на смягчение наказанияდანაშაულის აღიარება სასჯელის შერბილების იმედითWhen charged with murder, one may cop a plea for manslaughter if the odds are against him or her.
Cop outвыскользнуть из трудной ситуации, улизнутьგაძრომა, გაპარვა1) You said you would and now you are copping out of it. I'm not copping out. I just can't find the time. 2) Frank copped out and got off with a night in the cooler.
Couch potatoлентяй, проводящий много времени перед телевизоромზანტი და ზარმაცი, ტელევიზორის მოყვარულიPlease don't lie around like a couch potato. Get up and do something productive.
Count nosesпосчитать людейდავთვალოთ ხალხიEveryone is here. Let’s count noses so we can order hamburgers.
Cream of the cropлучшее из лучшегоუკეთესზე უკეთესიThese three students are very bright. They are the cream of the crop in their class.
Crooked as a dog’s hind legподлый, лживыйგათახსირებული, მატყუარაMary says all politicians are crooked as a dog’s hind leg.
Crux of the matterсуть проблемы, главное затруднениеსაქმის არსი, ყველაზე მნიშვნელოვანი სიძნელეSo, the crux of the matter is that Minister Johnson, and all those in the background who are advising him, are wrong.
Cut no ice with somebody не изменить чьё-либо мнение, не иметь влияния на кого-то არ შეცვლის აზრს, გავლენას არ მოახდენსI've heard her excuses and they cut no ice with me.
Cut one's eyeteeth on somethingиметь большой опыт в чем-либо, делать что-либо с раннего возраста, собаку съесть на этомრაიმეზე ჭიპი აქვს მოჭრილი, დიდი გამოცდილება აქვსFred cut his eyeteeth on writing; both his parents were authors.
Cut someone deadполностью игнорировать кого-либоსრულიად უგულებელყოფა, იგნორირებაI bumped into Dana in the street just now and started to talk to her but she just cut me dead.
Cut someone down (to size) / take someone down (to size)поставить кого-либо на местоთავისი ადგილის მიჩენაWhen he started he thought he knew everything, but we soon cut him down to size.
De rigeurхороший тон, обязательное условиеკარგი ტონი, აუცილებელი პირობაTattoos and pierced ears are de rigeur among college kids trying to be cool.
Dead duckнечто или некто уже не нужное и бесполезноеის რაც უკვე უსარგებლოა და არავის სჭირდება1) The project was a dead duck from the start due to a lack of funding. 2) My first agent turned out to be a bit of a dead duck and he failed to find me any work.
Dead set against someone or somethingбыть полностью против чего-то или кого-тоსასტიკად წინააღმდეგი, საშინლად წინააღმდეგიSenator John McCain is dead set against hiking taxes to pay for health care.
Deaf as a post (deaf as a doorpost, deaf as a stone, deaf as an adder, deaf as a beetle, deaf as a stump)глух как тетерев, глух как пеньყრუალა, ყრუMy grandfather was sick, unsociable, and deaf as a post.
Deep-six someone or something (from 6 fathoms = 36 feet or 10.97 m deep, the traditional depth for a burial at sea)избавиться от чего-либо, забудь, плюнь и разотриპრობლემისგან თავის დახსნა, დაივიწყე, დაიკიდე1) Lamar Smith: Don’t fix, deep-six it. 2) Fix it or deep-six it?
Devil's own jobчертовски трудно или плохоსაშინლად ძნელი ან ცუდი საქმეWe had the devil's own job finding the place!
Dig your heels inстоять на своем, упиратьсяთავის ნათქვამზე დგომა, ჯიუტობაWe suggested it would be quicker to fly, but she dug her heels in and insisted on taking the train.
Do a double takeвыражать крайнее удивлениеგაკვირვებით შეხედვა, გაოცება, განცვიფრებისაგან პირის დაღებაI did a double take when I walked past Britney in the hallway....sweetness!
Do a job on someone or somethingповредить что-либо, кого-либо; сходить по-большомуდედა უტირა; კუჭში გავიდა1) The robbers really did a job on the bank guard. They beat him when they robbed the bank. 2) The puppy did a job on the living-room carpet.
Do a land-office business (land office - in the US, a government department that deals with the sale of public land)совершить много успешных сделок за короткое времяსავაჭრო გარიგება დიდი რაოდენობით და დროს მოკლე პერიოდშიCruise ships sailing from North American ports did a land-office business with more departures from more domestic ports than ever before.
Do a number on someoneповредить, испортить дело, смутить кого-либоგააფუჭო, ზიანი მიაყენო, შეაცბუნოOur new boss is doing a number on everyone by canceling our Christmas party!
Do a snow job on someoneобмануть, обвести вокруг пальцаმოატყუოShe thought she did a snow job on the teacher, but it backfired.
Do justice toоценить по достоинствуღირსეულად შეაფასო1) This postcard doesn't do justice to the wonderful scenery. 2) Bill always does justice to the turkey on Thanksgiving.
Do something up brown (from the roasting of meat, yielding a brown color that is the result of thorough cooking)делать что-либо правильноსწორად, წესიერად გაკეთებაWhen they entertain, they really do it up brown.
Do by halves (do something by halves)делать кое-как, без энтузиазмаუხეიროდ, ცუდად, უგულოდ გაკეთებაThey don't do things by halves in Blackpool, so when it's water slides you want, you get the UK's largest indoor waterpark.
Dog-eat-dog (Dog eat dog)ситуация, где каждый сам за себяსიტუაცია სადაც ყველა თავის თავზე ფიქრობსThe only rule of the marketplace was dog-eat-dog.
Dog's dinner (dog's breakfast)безобразие, бардакუმსგავსობა, უწესრიგობა, არეულობა1) She tried to cut her hair and made a real dog's breakfast of it. 2) There she was, all dressed up like a dog's dinner, in a ridiculous frilly shirt and a skirt that was far too short.
Double in brassразносторонний, делающий два делаმრავალფეროვანი პიროვნება, მრავალი საქმის ერთად მკეთებელიIt is a small firm, and everyone doubles in brass when emergencies arise.
Double-cross someoneобмануть кого-либо, надуть кого-либоმოტყუება, გაცურებაThe man tried to double-cross his partner but was caught and sent to jail.
Down in the dumpsхандрить, быть в расстроенных чувствахნერვებმოშლილი, მოწყენილიShe's down in the dumps because all her friends are out of town.
Down the drain (down the gurgler - Australian informal)насмарку, коту под хвостწყალში გადაყრილი, გაფუჭებული, დაკარგულიIf the factory closes, that will be a million pounds' worth of investment down the drain.
Down to the wireдо последнего момента, до самого концаბოლომდე, ბოლო წამამდეIf both teams are playing at their best, the game will go down to the wire
Down-to-earthпрямой, открытый, практичныйპირდაპირი, საღი გონების, რეალისტურიDavid's very arty and a bit of a dreamer - Ruth's much more down-to-earth.
Draw a blankтерпеть неудачу, вернуться ни с чем, вынуть пустой билетმარცხი განიცადა, დარჩა ხელცარიელი1) He asked me for my phone number and I drew a blank - I just couldn't remember it. 2) We've asked 2000 schools to join the campaign, but so far we've drawn a blank.
Drink like a fishпьет как лошадь, беспробудно пьетლოთობს, გამოუფხიზლებლად სვამს, ღორივით სვამსJohn is a nice guy but, unfortunately, he drinks like a fish.
Dutch courageсмелость во хмелюსიმთვრალეში გაჩენილი გამბედაობაHe had another drink to give him Dutch courage for what he might find at home.
Dutch treatкаждый платит сам за себяყველა თვითონ იხდის თავის ხარჯებსThe movie was a Dutch treat so I did not have to pay for my date.
Dyed-in-the-woolзакоренелый, стойкий, выносливый, упертый человекჯორზე შემჯდარი, მოურჯულებელი, მედგარი, გამოუსწორებელი ადამიანიHe's a dyed-in-the-wool traditionalist where cooking is concerned - he won't have any modern gadgets in the kitchen.
Easy does itосторожно, успокойся, не выходи из себяსიფრთხილეს თავი არ სტკივა, დაწყნარდი, ნუ გადაირევი Easy does it going down the stairs, Mom.
Easy peasy (easy peasy lemon squeezy)очень просто, запросто, проще простогоძალიან ადვილი, არავითარ სიძნელეს არ წარმოადგენსI changed a flat tire on my car today, easy peasy.
Eat humble pieунижаться, сносить оскорбления, проглотить обидуთავის დამცირება, შეურაცხყოფის ატანაJohn, stand up for your rights. You don’t have to eat humble pie all the time.
Eat like a horseиметь волчий аппетит, есть очень многоღორივით ჭამს, ძალიან ბევრს ჭამსShe's so thin yet she eats like a horse.
Eat one’s wordsбрать свои слова обратно სიტყვის უკან წაღებაThey predicted his failure, but he made them eat their words.
Ebb and flowпревратности судьбы, взлёты и паденияბედის უკუღმართობა, ბედის ტრიალიThe fortunes of the major political parties tend to ebb and flow over time.
Even stevens (even steven - USA)быть равнымტოლი, სწორიGive me £20 and we're even stevens - I'm not worried about a few pence.
Every cloud has a silver liningнет худа без добраცუდ მოვლენასაც აქვს თავისი კარგი მხარეWhen Mary's friends visited her in the hospital, they tried to cheer her up, but Mary never could find the silver lining in the cloud of her illness.
Every which way (USA, Australia)во всех направленияхყველა მიმართულებითThe forest fire spread, and frightened animals were running every which way.
Extenuating circumstancesсмягчающие обстоятельстваშემამსუბუქებელი გარემოებაDue to extenuating circumstances, the teacher will not meet with the class today.
Face the musicпринять критику, ответить за содеянное, ответить за базарჩადენილზე პასუხი აგოWhen the missing money was noticed, he chose to disappear rather than face the music.
Fair and squareчестно и справедливоსამართლიანად და პატიოსნადThe division of the money should be fair and square.
Fair play to you (Irish slang)похвала за хорошо сделанную работу, отлично, дружищеშექება, კარგად შეასრულე, კარგი ხარThat's a great idea, fair play to you man.
Fair-weather friendненадёжный другარასაიმედო მეგობარიIts better to have one loyal friend than 100 fair-weather friends
Fall flat (on its face)потерпеть неудачу, провалитьсяმარცხი განიცადა1) Several attempts at humour during his speech fell flat. 2) It used to be an amazing magazine, but it's fallen flat on its face
Feel in one's bonesчувствовать интуитивноინტუიციით გრძნობს1) She felt in her bones that it was going to be a momentous day. 2) Something terrible is going to happen. I feel it in my bones.
Figure it outвычислять, понимать, разгадыватьგამოთვალო, გაიგო, მიხვდეIf you can’t figure it out, we’ll do it for you.
Fire under someone (Typically: build ~; light ~; start ~.)заставить кого-либо делать что-тоაიძულო ვინმეს რაღაცის გაკეტებაThe teacher built a fire under the students, and they really started working.
Flog a dead horse (beat a dead horse USA)зря тратить силы, попусту тратить время, решетом воду носитьტყუილად, ამაოდ გარჯაThe history teacher lectured us every day about the importance of studying history, until we begged him to stop flogging a dead horse.
Flying by the seat of your pantsимпровизировать, действовать по обстановке, действовать по наитию, без знаний и подготовкиმოქმედება ზეშთაგონებით, წინასწარ მოუმზადებლად, იმპროვიზაცია1) None of us had ever worked on a magazine before so we were flying by the seat of our pants.His presentations are bad. He is always flying on the seat of his pants.
For a rainy dayна черный деньშავი დღისთვისThere are problems too for local councils who are running out of sand and grit for the roads, having not saved enough supplies for a rainy day.
For a song (Typically: buy something ~; get something ~; pick up someone ~.)дешево, даром, за красивые глазаიაფად, ჩალის ფასად1) No one else wanted it, so I picked it up for a song. 2) I could buy this house for a song, because it's so ugly.
For the time beingдо поры до времени, пока что, на некоторое времяცოტახნით, გარკვეული დროითWe've decided to do without a car for the time being. This is probably about as good a deal as we're going to get, at least for the time being.
From rags to richesиз грязи в князи, нуворишსწრაფად გამდიდრებული ადამიანის, ნუვორიშის დახასიათებაFrom rags to riches, a true Canadian success story. Find out how a homeless man became one of the country's most successful business leaders.
Full of beansполный энергии, энтузиазмаენერგიული, აღტაცებული, აღფრთოვანებულიYou’d never think she’d been ill — she came bouncing in this morning, full of beans.
Full of beans (chiefly USA)нести чушь, эвфемизм заменяющий в вежливом контексте "full of shit", "full of bull", "full of it"სისულელეს ბოდავსJohn says he went on a date with a supermodel. I don't believe him. I think he is full of beans.
Funny as a barrel of monkeys (as funny as a barrel of monkeys)очень смешной, забавныйძალიან სასაცილოThe merry little dwarf, is as funny as a barrel of monkeys when he does nothing but walk around the stage.
Funny as a crutch (as funny as a crutch)несмешнойსულაც არ არის სასაცილოYour trick is about as funny as a crutch. Nobody thought it was funny.
Get a word in edgewiseвстрять в разговор, вставить словечкоლაპარაკში ჩართვაThe customer could not get a word in edgeways while talking to the salesman.
Get around to doing somethingсобраться делать что-то, собираться осуществить намерениеგადადებული საქმის შესრულების დაპირება1) It took Sally years to get around to visiting her aunt. 2) Oh, so you finally got around to calling me, huh?
Get off the dimeсдвинуться с места, начать движениеადგილიდან დაიძრა, დაიწყო მოძრაობა1) Why don't you get off the dime and complete some of these projects that you started? 2) As soon as the board of directors gets off the dime on this proposal, we will have some action.
Get off the hook (let somebody off the hook)выпутаться из положения, освободиться от обязательстваთავის დაღწევა, გამოხსნა1) John's agreed to go to the meeting in my place so that gets me off the hook. 2) People will think they let Charmaine off the hook because she's a woman.
Get one's ducks in a row (chiefly USA)привести все в порядок, навести порядок в делахსაქმეების მოწესრიგებაThe company's owner has given his managers a few days to get their ducks in a row. If they don't improve their performance he'll fire them.
Get the ball rollingсдвинуться с мертвой точки, начнем, начинаемდაძრა მკვდარი წერტილიდან, დავიწყოთ, ვიწყებთIf I could just get the ball rolling, then other people would help.
Get the pointпонять цель, намерение, или центральную идею чего-тоმიზანი, განზრახვა, ან ცენტრალური იდეა რაღაცის გასაგებიაCan I get the Point on my Iphone, Droid, or computer? Answer: Yes! Check out for info on our available app and browser download options.
Get the wind up (put the wind up)напугать, обеспокоить, потревожить кого-либоშეაშინო, დააფრთხო ვიღაცა1) Labour peer aims to get the wind up his party. 2) Tell them your father's a policeman - that'll put the wind up them!
Give an earfulдать нагоняй, дать взбучку, сделать выговор დატუქსვა, საყვედურის მიცემაSeniors give region an earful over changes to GRT service
Give me (him) a handпомоги мне (ему)დამეხმარე (დაეხმარე)Could you give me a hand with these boxes, Mike?
Give someone hellзадать жару, задать трепку, дать нагоняйკარგად სცემო, გატყეპო, დატუქსოThe children have been giving me hell all afternoon, so I'm not in a very good mood.
Give someone the worksвыдать кому-то по полной, отделать, кокнуть, убитьგალახვა, ზოგჯერ სიკვდილამდეThey took him outside and gave him the works.
Go-aheadразрешение продолжать или начинать, давать добро, санкционироватьნების დართვა, ნების მიცემა, ნებართვა1) Can we go ahead with our party plans? 2) We're ready to start but we're still waiting to get the go-ahead from our head office.
Grasp at strawsпытаться что-либо делать без надежды на успех, хвататься за соломинкуუიმედო და გამოუვალ მდგომარეობაში რაღაცის გაკეთება, წყალწაღებული ხავსს ეჭიდებოდაოDonald Rumsfeld explained to the committee where the WMD's were, but he was clearly grasping at straws.
Hair of the dogспиртное на опохмелкуსასმელი ნაბახუსევზეIt was early in the morning and Catherine reached for her glass. 'Hair of the dog?' asked Lee with a smile. (The expression originally referred to a method of treatment of a rabid dog bite by placing hair from the dog in the bite wound.)
Hang out (somewhere/with someone)слоняться, болтаться где-либо с кем-либо, околачиватьсяუსაქმოდ ხეტიალი, უსაქმოდ ყიალი1) I'm gonna hang out with my best friend this weekend. 2) You still hang out at the pool hall?
Hate his gutsненавижу, не люблю, терпеть не могу, не выношуვერ ვიტან, მეზიზღებაShe hates her ex-boyfriend's guts.
Have a bone to pick (with someone)иметь с кем-либо разногласия, иметь свои счеты с кем-либоვიღაცასთან უთანხმოება, უკმაყოფილება ან ანგარიშსწორება აქვსHey, Bill. I've got a bone to pick with you. Where is the money you owe me?
Have ants in your pantsсгорать от нетерпенияმოუთმენლად ლოდინიI've got ants in my pants - I can't wait to get started on my experiment.
Have big shoes to fillбудет трудно оправдать ожиданияძნელი იქნება მოლოდინის გამართლება"Israel: New president has big shoes to fill" Aljazeera
Have butterflies (in your stomach)волноваться, чувствовать нервную дрожьშეშფოთებული ვარ, მაჟრიალებს1) I had terrible butterflies before I gave that talk in Venice. 2) Her mouth was dry, there were butterflies in her stomach, and her knees were shaking so much it was hard to walk on stage.
Have got it badвлюбиться по ушиშეყვარებული ხარHe missed the football game to see her - he must have got it bad!
Have green fingers (have a green thumb)любить садоводствоმებაღეობის მოყვარული1) I'm afraid I don't have green fingers. I've killed every plant I've ever owned. 2) I was just admiring your beautiful plants, Helen. You must have a green thumb.
Have nothing to do withне иметь ничего общего сარაფერი აქვს საერთო (რაღაცასთან ან ვიღაცასთან)1) This is a problem for our neighbors but has nothing to do with me. 2) So, as you can see evidenced by such examples, age has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Have something, will travelнавыки или предметы необходимые в вашем путешествииის რაც გამოგადგება მოგზაურობაშიThe ad in the newspaper read 'Have English language skills, will travel.'
Hell of a note (USA)ошеломительное известие, потрясающая новостьთავზარდამცემი ახალი ამბავიThe sensationalistic editor, who believes that sordid actuality should be clothed in orotund utterance, can only ask: "Ain't that a hell of a note?"
Hit the big timeзавоевать успех, стать знаменитымდიდი წარმატება მოიპოვო, გახდე ცნობილიShe finally hit the big time with her latest novel.
Hit the ceiling/roofразозлиться выше крышиუკიდურესად გაბრაზებულია When he saw the amount of the bill, he hit the ceiling.
Hit the roadпора в путь, смотаться, шляться, переезжать с места на место, проваливайგზაზე დადგომა, გამგზავრება, ბოდიალი, ხეტიალი, გაეთრიე აქედან1) Oprah Winfrey will hit the road to deliver her inspirational message to the masses. 2) Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.
Hold the fortостаться за главного, присмотреть за хозяйствомყურადღება მიაქციე, მიხედეMy boss is going on a duty trip. I think he will ask me to hold the fort at our company.
Hot airпустой звук, сотрясание воздухаუაზრო ლაპარაკი რომლის შედეგი არის მხოლოდ და მხოლოდ ჰაერის შერყევაMy boss keeps promising to give me a pay rise but the extra money never comes. He is full of hot air!
I’ve had it (up to here)с меня довольно, сыт по горлоკმარა, მეტი არ შემიძლიაI've had it up to here with you - get out!
If the shoe fits(, wear it)если вы принимаете замечание на свой счёт, пусть будет такთუ შენ თავზე იღებ რამეს ეგ შენი პრობლემაა1) When I listen to you preach, I wonder if the shoe fits me. 2) Ann was mortally offended by my harmless remark. I looked at her and said that if the shoe fits, wear it.
I'm brokeя на мели, у меня нет денегუფულოდ ვარI can't even pay the rent this month. I'm flat broke.
In a bodyгруппой, все вместеჯგუფურად, ყველა ერთადThe tour members always traveled in a body.
In a nutshellв двух словах, вкратцеმოკლედ, ერთი სიტყვით1) You haven't studied hard enough and did badly in your exams. In a nutshell, you'll have to sit this year's class again next year. 2) In a nutshell, we are out of business.
In ages (for ages)долгое времяდიდიხანიაI haven't seen you in ages!
In bad shapeв плохой форме, плохо себя чувствовать, быть беременной, быть в (интересном) положенииცუდ ფორმაში, შეუძლოდ, ორსულად, ფეხმძიმედ1) Two glasses of that stuff and I'm in really bad shape. 2) Jill's in bad shape again, I hear. Yup, she's in bad shape all right—about three months in bad shape.
In cold bloodхладнокровноგულცივად, გულგრილადRocko kills in cold blood and never gives it a thought.
In dribs and drabsв маленьких, нерегулярных количествахმცირე ოდენობით და არარეგულარულად1) I'll have to pay you what I owe you in dribs and drabs. 2) All her fortune was spent in dribs and drabs on silly things—like clothes and fine wines.
In the buff (in the raw)без одежды, нагишом, без прикрасშიშველი, ტიტველი, როგორც არის, გალამაზების გარეშე1) The museum has a painting of some ladies in the buff. 2) She often swims in the raw. 3) Politics in the raw is all about power and deal-making.
In the clubбеременна, в интересном положенииორსულადაა, ფეხმძიმედააIs Tina in the club? She's looking quite large around the tummy.
It never rains but it poursбеда не приходит однаუბედურება მარტო არ მოდის, ჭირი ჭირს გაართობსოI missed my train this morning, lost my wallet and spilt coffee all over myself. It never rains but it pours.
Itchy feetпотребность путешествовать, не сидится на месте მოგზაურობის სურვილი აქვს, ერთ ადგილას ვერ ჩერდებაWhy've you got all these travel brochures? Do you have itchy feet?
Itchy palmбыть жадным до денег, взяточником, просить чаевыеხარბი, მექრთამე, ფეხის ქირის მთხოვნელიThe cabdriver was troubled by an itching palm. Since he refused to carry my bags, I gave him nothing.
It's in his genes / It's in my genesэто (заложено) у него в генах, это у него в крови / это (заложено) у меня в генах, это у меня в кровиსისხლში აქვს, გენში აქვსMichael is very ambitious. It's in his genes. His parents arrived in this country penniless and now are big industrialists.
It's not my cup of teaэто мне не по вкусуმე ეს არ მომწონს, ეს ჩემს სტილში არ არისSome people love football, but it's not my cup of tea. I prefer bowling.
Jump the gunдействовать преждевременно, без подготовки, опережать событияნაადრევი მოუმზადებელი მოქმედება, მოვლენების გასწრებაThey've only just ​met - isn't it ​jumping the ​gun to be ​talking about ​marriage already?
Keep a straight faceстараться не улыбнуться или не засмеятьсяცდილობს არ გაიღიმოსIt's hard to keep a straight face when someone tells a funny joke.
Keep body and soul togetherжить впроголодь, едва сводить концы с концамиნახევრად მშიერია, სული კბილებით უჭირავსWe can barely keep body and soul together on what he earns.
Keep up appearancesсоблюдать приличияზრდილობის წესების დაცვაWe must keep up appearances even if it means little sacrifices here and there.
Keep your hair onне горячись, не выходи из себя, успокойсяდაწყნარდი, დაშოშმინდიKeep your hair on! Your car isn't badly damaged!
Kettle of fishнеразбериха, "ну и дела!" "хорошенькое дельце!", совершенно другое делоგაუგებარი სიტუაცია, "ესღა მაკლდა", სულ სხვა რამეა1) He's managed to get himself into a fine kettle of fish! 2) The taxi’s late and I have to be on my date in five minutes. That’s a fine kettle of fish! 3) We were going to talk politics, but that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish!
Kick assнадрать задницу, дать пинка под зад, проучить, показать классპანჭური ტრაკში, ჭკუის სწავლება, მორჯულება, ძალიან მაგარია, გლიჯავს1) I want to kick their ass, just like any other team we face on the field. 2) The DVD of that war movie truly kicks ass.
KickbackвзяткаქრთამიHundreds of Army soldiers investigated for recruiting kickback scheme
Knee-high to a grasshopper (to a jackrabbit)очень маленький, от горшка два вершкаძალიან პატარა, პაწაწინაI've known you since you were knee-high to a grasshopper.
Know the ropesхорошо ориентироваться, знать все ходы и выходы, быть в курсе всех деталейკარგად ერკვევა, საქმის კურსშია, აზრზე არის1) He knew the ropes better than anyone else in politics. 2) Anyone who's been doing the job for a few months should know the ropes by now.
Leave/let well aloneоставить все как есть, от добра добра не ищутიყოს როგორც არისIt's going to get in a muddle if you carry on. I should just leave well alone if I were you.
Let one's hair downрасслабиться, перестать стесняться, вести себя непринуждённо или развязно, отбросить условностиთავი იგრძნო თავისუფლად, მოდუნდე, უკუაგდო პირობითობაWe need a place where young folk can let their hair down and enjoy themselves.
Let the cat out of the bagвыдать секрет, проговоритьсяსაიდუმლოს გაცემა, წამოროშვა, წამოყრანტალებაWhen Bill glanced at the door, he let the cat out of the bag. We knew then that he was expecting someone to arrive.
Like the back of my handкак свои пять пальцевხუთი თითივით ნაცნობიI know this area like the back of my hand.
Like two peas in a podпохожи как две капли водыგაჭრილი ვაშლივით გვანან ერთმანეთსYou can tell they're brothers at a glance - they're like two peas in a pod.
Live in the presentжить настоящим, жить сегодняшним днемიცხოვრე დღევანდელი დღითDon't worry if your boyfriend cheated on you. Live in the present and find another person to love!
Lock, stock, and barrelвсё вместе; затвор, приклад и дулоყველაფერი ერთად, მთლიანად, ერთიანად; კლიტე, კონდახი და ლულა1) We had to move everything out of the house—lock, stock, and barrel. 2) We lost everything—lock, stock, and barrel—in the fire.
Lump in the throatком в горле, желание сдержать слезыყელში მოწოლა, ცრემლის დამალვის მცდელობაIt was quite a moving speech - it almost brought a lump to my throat. Whenever they play the national anthem, I get a lump in my throat.
Make a killingбыстро и легко заработать кучу денег, сорвать большой кушბევრი ფულის შოვნა სწრაფად და ადვილადMy sister made a killing working in the oil industry.
Make a pig's ear of somethingделать что-либо из рук вон плохоცუდად, უხეიროდ გაკეთებულიHe's made a real pig's ear of that bookcase he was supposed to be making.
Make ends meetсводить концы с концамиგაჭირვებაში ყოფნაMy wages were so low that I had to take a second job just to make ends meet.
Make hay while the sun shinesкуй железо, пока горячо; коси, коса, пока росаსანამ თორნე ცხელია, პური მანამდე ჩააკარI've got a few hours to finish the housework before the kids come home so I might as well make hay while the sun shines.
Make yourself at home.Чувствуйте себя как домаთავი ისე იგრძენი როგორც საკუთარ სახლშიPlease come in and make yourself at home.
Me and my big mouthчерт меня дернул за язык!რატომ ვთქვი ეს, ეშმაკმა შემაცდინაOh no, me and my big mouth! I made Alex feel upset when I mentioned his dead cat.
Meat and potatoes (meat and potatoes man)нечто фундаментальное, основа, базис, человек предпочитающий простые и ясные вещиრაღაცა ძირითადი, ფუნდამენტალური, ადამიანი რომელსაც ურჩევნია ის რაც ნათელია, მკაფიო და სადაა1) They stuck to the meat and potatoes of broadcasting - sports and news. 2) In today’s world, authenticity, being human, being yourself, counts. MarketingProfs announced a study today that stated that personal voice, not brands, rule the roost on Twitter. What does that mean? To me, it means being a meat and potatoes kind of person.
Mend fences withустановить дружеские отношения, быть на дружеской ногеძმაკაცური დამოკიდებულება აქვსThe mayor is trying to mend fences with members of the city council so they will approve his plan.
Mess around (mess about)возиться, лодырничать, приставать, дергать кого либо, путаться с кем-тоუსაქმურად ყიალი, ხეტიალი, აყოლა, გადაკიდება1) I wish you wouldn't mess about so much. You waste a lot of time that way. 2) Pete was messing around with Maria during the summer.
Might is right (might makes right)смог - значит прав, сильный всегда правვინც ძლიერია, ის მართალიაThe generals dismissed the parliament and imprisoned the premier—might makes right in that country.
Money doesn't grow on treesденьги с неба не падаютფული ხეზე არ იზრდებაMy daughter wants a car for her 17th birthday, but I can't afford it. Money doesn't grow on trees!
More often than notобычно, как правило ჩვეულებრივ, წესისამებრThis kind of dog will grow up to be a good watchdog more often than not.
Nail downвынудить, прижать к стенеაიძულო ვინმეს რაღაცის გაკეტებაMy uncle has been meeting people all over the state to nail down support for his senate campaign.
No news is good newsотутствие новостей - хорошая новостьროდესაც ახალი არაფერია ეს უკვე კარგი ახალი ამბავიაWe haven't heard anything from the hospital today, but I suppose no news is good news.
Not enough room to swing a catтесное помещение, негде яблоку упасть (cat o' nine tails - плетка с девятью хвостами, применявшаяся для наказания во флоте)სივიწროვე, სიმჭიდროვე, ნემსი არ ჩავარდებაIt's really crowded in here. Not enough room to swing a cat.
Not give a shit; Not give a rat's ass (rude)наплеватьფეხებზე კიდია1) You can do what you like. I don't give a shit! 2) I don't give a rat's ass. You can go in there with fuckin' Tarzan and his fuckin' spider jockstrap for all I care, if you can get him to do it. [Killing them softly]
Now and again (every now and again, now and then, every now and then)иногда, время от времениზოგჯერ, დროდადრო, დროგამოშვებით1) I read a novel every now and again. 2) We meet up for lunch now and then, but not as often as we used to.
Nurse a grudgeиметь зуб на кого-либо, затаить обидуვისიმე ჯავრი სჭირსSally is still nursing a grudge against Mary. How long can anyone nurse a grudge?
Nuts about someone or somethingбыть без ума от кого-то или чего-то, сходить с ума по кому-тоგიჟდება, ჭკუას კარგავს ვიღაცაზე ან რაღაცაზეMy friend is nuts about his new iPad – he hasn't stopped talking about it since he bought it.
Nuts and boltsазы, практические основы, основные элементыპრაქტიკული საფუძველი, საყრდენი, ძირითადი ელემენტებიWhen it came to the nuts and bolts of running a business, he was clearly unable to cope.
Odd man outбелая воронаთეთრი ყვავიWhen I got to the party everyone was wearing beautifully tailored suits and I was in ripped jeans. Felt like an odd man out.
Odd one outлишний, исключениеზედმეტი მსგავს ნივთებში ან სიტყვებში, გამონაკლისიRed, white, long, green: which word is the odd one out?
Odds and ends (odds and sods - British & Australian)обрывки, всякая всячина, случайные предметыსხვადასხვა უსარგებლო ნივთი, ხარახურაThere were lots of odds and ends in the attic, but nothing of real value.
Off the top of my headнавскидку, первое что приходит в головуპირველი, რაც თავში მოგდის 1) Mary: How much do you think this car would be worth on a trade? Fred: Well, right off the top of my head, I'd say about a thousand. 2) "What's the capital of Mauritania?" "I couldn't tell you off the top of my head, but I could go and look it up."
On the anvil (in the pipeline)в процессе обсуждения, в процессе рассмотренияგანხილვის პროცესშია, დამუშავების პროცესშია1) The case being on the anvil, we had no right to comment it. 2) According to the studio, there are ten films in the pipeline ready for release next year.
On the back burner (Typically: be ~; put something ~.)поставить на задний план, отложить в в долгий ящикუკანა პლანზე გადასვლა, გადადება გაურკვეველი ვადით1). It's so sad how Sal doesn't realize she's placed on the back burner. Hal has no intention of making her his one and only. 2) She decided to attend Harvard, where she would study political theory and put her acting career on the back burner.
On the blink (on the bum, on the fritz)не в порядке, в плохом состоянииმოუწესრიგებელ მდგომარეობაშიA clear head and an active brain are always an asset, even when all the other functions are on the blink.
On the dotкак штык, точно в срок, без опозданияყოველგვარი დაგვიანების გარეშე, ზუსტად I'll be there at noon on the dot.
On the moneyточно в цель, в яблочко, абсолютно верноზუსტად მიზანში, ათეულში მიხვედრაOur estimate of next year's budget is right on the money.
On your ownсам по себеსაკუთარი თავის იმედზეThis guy wants to tell me we're living in a community? Don't make me laugh. I'm living in America, and in America you're on your own. America's not a country. It's just a business. Now fuckin' pay me.
Out of one's mindне в своём уме, не все домаფსიქიკურად ვერ არის კარგადWhy did you do that? You must be out of your mind! Don't drive so fast, Tom! You have to be out of your head!
Out of the loopпонятия не иметь, быть не в курсе, не быть информированнымსაქმის კურსში არ არის, აზრზე არ არისJohn's grandpa is so far out of the loop he thinks when you say someone is gay it mean there happy.
Out of the questionисключено, не может быть и речиამაზე ლაპარაკიც კი არ ღირს, გამორიცხულიაShe added: "The very thought of a relationship now is out of the question".
Out on a limbв опасном, сомнительном положенииსავალალო მდგომარეობაში, საეჭვო მდგომარეობაშიHe was pretty far out on a limb when he predicted the future of the industry two years ago.
Over the moonбыть на седьмом небе от счастья/от радости, быть безумно счастливымბედნიერებისგან მეშვიდე ცაზე ყოფნაMy husband and I are expecting our first baby next summer – we are absolutely over the moon!
Pain in the ass (pain in the butt and pain in the rear)головная боль, камень в ботинке, реальный гемморойთავის ტკივილი, კენჭი ფეხსაცმელში, ნამდვილი პრობლემაI told her to meet me under the clock at the Biltmore at two o’clock, and not to be late, because the show probably started at two-thirty. She was always late. Then I hung up. She gave me a pain in the ass, but she was very good-looking. [The Catcher in the Rye]
Paint the town redуйти в загул, кутить, дебоширитьქეიფი, დროსტარება, გრიალი, ღრეობაFrom Angelina Jolie on the red carpet (and on the town with Brad's mum) to Lea Michele's sparkling Valentino gown and Chanel Iman's glitzy Christmas dress, the celebs were out painting the town red last night, and we've got all the hot fashion pictures to prove it!
Par for the courseв порядке вещей, вполне ожидаемоსრულიად მოსალოდნელია1) So he went off and left you? Well that's about par for the course. He's no friend. 2) The school budget is going to be cut again this year, but then that's par for the course.
Piece of cakeлегко и просто, проще паренной репыძალიან ადვილია, უპრობლემოაSolving math problems is a piece of cake for him.
Pigs might flyговорят, когда не верят в осуществимость какого-то события (когда рак на горе свистнет)როცა ვირი ხეზე ავა"I'll pay you back on Friday, I promise." "Yeah, and pigs might fly."
Plain as a pikestaff (plain as the nose on your face, plain as day)ясный как день, очевидныйსავსებით ნათელია, ცხადია, აშკარაა1) The secret to our success is as plain as pikestaff - make a good plan and stick to it. 2) It's plain as the nose on your face, these stores stink and always will! Do yourself a favor and shop elsewhere!
Plan Bзапасной вариантსათადარიგო გეგმაFather: What do you want to do when you grow up, son? Son: I want to play guitar in a band and become famous. Father: That’s very difficult. Do you have a plan B? Son: Yeah, I want to marry a rich old woman!
Play hardball (with someone)вести себя жестко, агрессивно, идти напроломჯიქურ მიდის, აგრესიულად იქცევა1) He's a nice guy, but he can play hardball when he needs to. 2) The company is playing hardball with the bank, holding back on payments it owes them to force an agreement.
Plenty more fish in the seaна ней (на нем) свет клином не сошелсяუამრავი სხვა არსებობსMary was not a good wife. Don't cry about her. There are plenty more fish in the sea.
Put on the mapпрославить, сделать известнымსახელის განთქმა, სახელის მოხვეჭა1) The good food you serve here will really put this place on the map. 2) Nothing like a little scandal to put an otherwise sleepy town on the map.
Put one's foot in it (Put / stick your foot in your mouth - USA)cболтнуть лишнее, сморозить глупость, ляпнуть невпопад, сделать нечто создающее неловкую ситуациюზედმეტის თქმა, სისულელის თქმა, სისულელის ჩადენა1) I really put my foot in it with Julie. I didn't realise she was a vegetarian. 2) I really put my foot in my mouth when I asked her how her husband was. I forgot that he died last year.
Rain cats and dogsльет как из ведраკოკისპირული წვიმაI'm not going out in that storm. It's raining cats and dogs.
Rule the roost (run the show)хозяйничать, задавать тон, командовать, распоряжатьсяპატრონობს, მეთაურობს, განაგებს1) Jimmy might be the boss at work, but at home it's his daughters who rule the roost. 2) Although the new president of our club has not taken office yet, she's running the show already.
Safe and soundцел и невредим, жив-здоровცოცხალი და უვნებელიIt was a rough trip, but we got there safe and sound.
Sail close to the wind (sail near to the wind)делать что-то опасное или не совсем юридически приемлемое, играть с огнемსახიფათო ან იურიდიულად მიუღებელი ქმედება, ცეცხლთან თამაშიI think she realized she was sailing a little too close to the wind and decided to tone down her criticism.
Scrooge (Ebenezer Scrooge is the focal character of Charles Dickens' 1843 novel, "A Christmas Carol".)скрягаძუნწი, კრიჟანგი, წუწურაქიHer father is a real scrooge and refuses to pay her way through college, even though he can easily afford it.
Second bite of the cherryеще одна попыткаკიდევ ერთი მცდელობაHe missed a medal in the 100 metres, but will get a second bite of the cherry in the 400 metres.
Showdown (Poker: the exposing of the cards in the players' hands on the table at the end of the game)разборка, т.е. событие, особенно конфронтация, которая решает проблемуგარჩევა, ანუ დაპირისპირება რომელიც წყვეტს პრობლემასOf course I'll support you if it comes to a showdown.
Sleep on itобдумать решение не спеша и вернуться к нему попозжеშევისწავლოთ უფრო ღრმად და მივიღოთ გადაწყვეტილება მოგვიანებითYou don't have to give me your decision now. Sleep on it, and let me know tomorrow.
Smell a ratсомневаться, подозревать, чуять неладноеეჭვი, ღალატის სუნი ტრიალებსHe's been working late with her every night this week - I smell a rat!
So far, so goodпока что все идет хорошо, до сих пор все в порядкеჯერჯერობით ყველაფერი რიგზეა1) We are half finished with our project. So far, so good. 2) "So far, so good," she replied when we asked her how her new job was going.
So it goesтакие дела, такова жизньასეა ეს, ეს ცხოვრება ასე არისHe died in the war. So it goes.
Sorry for being denseпрошу прощение за тупость, не понял, простите мою недогадливостьმაპატიეთ ჩემი უგუნურობაSorry for being dense, but can you explain me the problem?
Stiff upper lip (Keep a stiff upper lip)держаться молодцом, оставаться невозмутимым, держать ударაღუშფოთველია, უკან არ დაიხევს, ხისტი და მედგარიაIn a year when the House of Commons has seen the highest number of black and Indian ethnic minorities being elected as MPs in the country's history, UK's national broadcaster, known for its stiff upper lip has decided to open its doors for the Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) community, both on and off screen.
Stop on a dimeостановиться мгновенно и точно [в радиусе мелкой монеты], остановиться как вкопанныйგაჩერება სწრაფად და ზუსტად [მცირე ზომის მონეტის რადიუსში]Don't tell me to drive real fast in this heavy traffic. You know I can't stop on a dime.
Straight from the horse's mouthИз первых уст, из первых рук, информация полученная кратчайшим путемინფორმაცია პირველი ხელიდანThere's a rumor that Randolph is moving to Alaska, but I won't believe it until I get it straight from the horse's mouth.
Subscribe to somethingсоглашаться, разделять точку зренияეთანხმები, იზიარებ აზრსMr. Reagan says we will protect you, I don't subscribe to this point of view [Sting].
Sweep somebody off their feetвскружить голову, очаровать, произвести впечатлениеმოხიბლო ვინმეShe was hoping that some glamorous young Frenchman would come along and sweep her off her feet.
Tail wagging the dogситуация, когда малая или незначительная часть контролирует все целоеსიტუაცია როცა მცირე ან უმნიშვნელო ნაწილი მართავს მთელსShe found herself explaining the new therapy to her doctor - a real case of the tail wagging the dog.
Take a dump (have a dump) [offensive]посратьმოჯვაI've got to go take a dump.
Take it easyуспокойтесь, не волнуйтесьდაწყნარდით, ნუ ღელავთYou'd better take it easy for a while - you don't want to get ill again.
Take the bull by the hornsбрать быка за рога, действовать решительноიმოქმედო გაბედულადBob was treated very badly by his boss. When he left the company he decided to take the bull by the horns - and sued it for thousands of dollars.
Take the law into one's own handsсамому вершить правосудие, расправиться с кем-то без суда и следствияსასამართლოს გარეშე გაუსწორდე ვინმესOne day, after years of violent abuse from her husband, she took the law into her own hands.
Talk/speak of the devil (and he is sure to appear)легок на поминеძაღლი ახსენე და ჯოხი ხელში დაიჭირეოWe were in the coffee shop talking about our friend when speak of the devil, our friend suddenly appeared.
Tear hair out (over)помешаться на чем-то, быть очень озабоченным чем-тоრაღაცაზე გაგიჟებულია, გადაირია, ჭკუაზე შეიშალაShe's been tearing her hair out over the final chapter of her novel for the last month.
That's a givenсамо собой разумеется, безусловноთავისთავად ცხადიაTake along an extra raincoat - that's a given if you want to stay dry in Seattle.
The bee's kneesвысший сортუმაღლესი ხარისხიTry this chocolate. It's the bee's knees, it really is.
The big cheese"большая шишка", боссდიდი ვინმეა, ბობოლააI don't want to work as a secretary all my life. One day, I'm going to be the big cheese!
The birds and the beesпроцесс репродукции человека (секс) описываемый для детейადამიანის რეპროდუქციის პროცესი (სექსი) ბავშვებისთვის მოყოლილიNow Philip, It's your fortieth birthday and I feel you are ready to know about the birds and the bees
The doughденьги, бабло, бабкиფული, მაყუთი- We need this guy out of town yesterday. - You invited him here. Send him back. - Won't go. He needs the dough. - Well, I can't get in touch with 'em today.
The name of the gameсамое главное, самое существенноеყველაზე მთავარი, ყველაზე მნიშვნელოვანი1) People say that in politics the name of the game is making the right friends. 2) I can't help it. That's the name of the game.
The other way round (the other way around)наоборот, противоположное, обратноеპირიქით, უკუღმა, საპირისპირო1) Did the first chicken create the first egg, or was it the other way around? 2) It was the other way round. It was my friend who wanted to go swimming - not me.
The pot calling the kettle blackгоршок над котлом смеется, а оба черныყვავმა ყვავს უთხრა შე შავოოErnie accused me of being selfish. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
The straight and narrowстоять на верном пути, на пути добродетели; быть честным и прямым человекомსწორ გზაზე დგას, პატიოსნად იქცევაThe threat of a good beating should keep him on the straight and narrow.
The worksполный комплект, весь ассортимент, все возможностиსრული კომპლექტი, ყველაფერი ამასთან დაკავშირებული1) He ordered a pizza with the works. 2) All right, tell me, give me the works on it.
There's something fishy about thisэто выглядит подозрительноსაეჭვოდ გამოიყურებაSomething is fishy about the accident.
Three sheets to the wind (three sheets in the wind)пьяный в дымину, пьяный вдребезгиგახეთქილი მთვრალიHe had gotten three sheets to the wind and didn't pay attention to my warning.
Through hell and high waterчерез все виды испытаний, сквозь огонь воду и медные трубыქარცეცხლში გამოვლა, მრავალი ჭირის გადატანაYou'll have to go through hell and high water to accomplish your goal, but it'll be worth it.
Throw good money after bad (Throw the handle after the blade)бросать деньги на ветер, упорствовать в безнадежном делеტყუილად ხარჯავს ფულს.თავისას არ იშლის, ჯიუტობსAfter a summer of fraud in favour of President Hamid Karzai, officials said holding a May poll was now unrealistic and without widespread reform it would "throw good money after bad".
To a Tточно, прекрасноზუსტად, მშვენივრად1) Key to success is service to a T. 2) That job would suit you to a T.
To add fuel to the fireподлить масла в огоньცეცხლზე ნავთის დასხმაDon't shout at children if they're crying, it just adds fuel to the fire.
To be in deep waterбыть в затруднительной ситуацииგაჭირვებაში ყოფნა1) They tried to adopt a baby illegally and ended up in very deep water. 2) I think we’re getting into deep water here talking about gender issues.
To be in one’s shoesбыть на чьем-то месте, в чьей-то шкуреსხვის ტყავში შეძრომაPoor Matthew. I wouldn’t like to be in his shoes when the results are announced.
To blow one's own trumpetнахваливать себя, трубить на весь свет о своих достиженияхტრაბახით ყურების გამოჭედვაHe's always blowing his own trumpet - it's so boring! Why can't he be more modest about his abilities?
To come out in the washутрястись, уладиться, выясниться, прояснитьсяმოგვარდება, მოწესრიგდაბა, გაირკვევა, შავი და თეთრი აბანოში გამოჩნდება1) A: I'm so stressed! I'm really worried about my exam... and I'm moving house this weekend! Too much to do. B: It's OK, it will all come out in the wash. Just focus on one thing at a time. 2) A: No one knows why Martin left his job so suddenly. What happened? B: I don't know either. But I'm sure it will all come out in the wash!
To feel under the weatherплохо себя чувствоватьშეუძლოდ ყოფნაIt's no wonder then that many people are feeling under the weather with flus and colds an ever-present danger, especially for the very old and very young.
To go bananasнервничать, сходить с ума, терять контроль над собойნერვიულობა, საკუთარი თავის კონტროლის დაკარგვაAlaine went bananas over the new shoes from Manolo Blahnik. I think she bought five pairs!
To have a bee in your bonnetбыть помешанным на чем-тоგაგიჟდე, გადაირიო რაღაცაზეShe's got a real bee in her bonnet about people keeping their dogs under control.
To have a big mouthиметь длинный языкგრძელი ენა აქვსJimmy has a big mouth. Yesterday I told him that I am leaving the company and today everybody knows about it.
To have a sweet toothбыть сластеной, сладкоежкой, любить сладкоеტკბილეულის მოყვარული, სუსნიაI have a sweet tooth, and if I don't watch it, I'll really get fat.
To have a whale of a timeзамечательно проводить времяკარგი დროს ტარებაI spent the summer holidays in Mexico and had a whale of a time!
To have egg on one's faceопростоволоситься, выглядеть глупо по своей винеთავის შერცხვენა, მარცხის მოსვლაI was completely wrong, and now I have egg on my face.
To kick the bucketпротянуть ноги, сыграть в ящик, умеретьგარდაიცვალება, მარილზე გასვლაWhen I kick the bucket you’ll be able to live on my life insurance.
To monkey aroundдурачиться, дурака валять, болтаться без делаმასხარაობა, პამპულაობაQuit monkeying around and get back to work!
To pussyfoot aroundходить вокруг да около, осторожничатьფრთხილობს, სიფრთხილით ეკიდებაMr Blair may want to pussyfoot around this issue, but I don't. The majority of British people, whatever their background, are united on this issue. They want immigration to be limited and controlled.
To spill the beansвыдать секрет, проболтатьсяსაიდუმლოს გაცემა, წამოროშვა, წამოყრანტალებაIt was then that she threatened to spill the beans about her affair with the president.
To squirrel something awayкопить, откладыватьფულის ან დოვლათის აგროვებაJoan's salary is very low but a few years ago she started to squirrel money away. It took her a long time, but she finally saved enough for a deposit for a flat.
To take a French leave (French leave)уйти по английски, уйти не попращавшись или без разрешенияინგლისური დამშვიდობება ანუ წასვლა დამშვიდობების გარეშეIs Ray really ill again, or is he just taking French leave?
To throw caution to the windперестать осторожничатьსიფრთხილის დავიწყებაThe police have warned that unnecessary road travel is not recommended but some motorists have thrown caution to the wind and made their journeys anyway, claiming that it's all a storm in a teacup.
To twist in the windтомитьсяწვალება, გაწამება, შეწუხება, სულის ამოხდაThose whose cars are stuck in the snow may consider themselves to be twisting in the wind.
To weather the stormпережить трудные временаმძიმე პერიოდის გადატანაThe manager went on another shouting rampage and frightened his assistants. The rest of us stayed in our offices to weather the storm.
Twenty four seven (24/7 - USA)каждую минуту любого дня, всегдаყოველთვის, ყოველ დღე, ყოველ წამს1) You can access our website 24/7 2) I work twenty four seven.
Two heads are better than oneодна голова хорошо, а две лучшеორი თავი ჯობია ერთსაოI can help you to have this presentation ready tomorrow morning. Let's work together. Two heads are better than one.
Two-timingходить налево, иметь любовные отношения на сторонеღალატობს, სხვა ქალთან დადისI finished with him when I found out he was two-timing me.
Under a cloudв опале, в немилостиგარისხულია, შერისხულიაAfter 20 years at the company, Sean left suddenly under a cloud.
Under a cloud of suspicionпод подозрениемმას ეჭვის თვალით უყურებენMoney was stolen from Jane's desk and now everyone is under a cloud of suspicion.
Under the tableподпольный, тайный, нелегальный, из-под полыიატაკქვეშა, იატაკქვეშური, არალეგალურიIf you want to open a business in a country where there is a lot of corruption, you may have to make under the table payments to officials.
Walk the chalk (USA)ходить по струнке, вести себя безупречно, пройти прямо по проведённой мелом черте (в доказательство своей трезвости)წუნდაუდებელი ყოფაქცევა, თითის წვერებზე სიარულიIn some classes the students play and talk, but Mr. Parker makes them walk the chalk.
Wear more than one hat (Wear many hats; wear two hats)выполнять несколько обязанностей, совмещать обязанностиბევრი მოვალეობის შესრულება, შეთავსებით მუშაობაLike everybody, I wear more than one hat. I am the chairman of the FCC. But I am also a television viewer and the husband and father of other television viewers.
Wet behind the ears (green behind the ears)сопляк, молоко на губах не обсохлоცინგლიანი, ლაწირაკიJohn's too young to take on a job like this! He's still wet behind the ears! He may be wet behind the ears, but he's well-trained and totally competent.
Wet blancketзануда, человек, отравляющий другим удовольствиеაუტანლად მოსაწყენი პიროვნებაJack's fun at parties, but his brother's a wet blanket.
What's the drill?1) в чём дело, что зесь происходит? 2) как быть в этом случае, как решить проблему?1) რაშია საქმე? 2) როგორ გადავჭრათ პრობლემა?1) "What's the drill?" asked Mary. "Why are all these people sitting around like this?" 2) What's the drill for getting money after four o'clock?
When the chips are downв решающий моментგადამწყვეტ მომენტშიHe wasn't a very talented musician but, when the chips were down, he played well.
Wishful thinkingпринимать желаемое за действительноеსასურველის რეალურად წარმოჩინებაHoping for a car as a birthday present is just wishful thinking. Your parents can't afford it.
With flying coloursблестящеბრწყინვალედShe passed her exams with flying colours!
Within an ass's roar of (Irish slang)очень близко к цели, к результатуმიზანთან ახლოს, თითქმის მიღწეული1) Tom: 'So, do you think Cork will win the All-Ireland this year?' John: 'They wont get within an ass's roar of the final'. 2) She wasn't within an ass's roar of it.
Word-of-mouth (word of mouth)устные отзывы, слух, молва ხმები, ხალხში გავარდნილი ხმაI need it in writing. I don't trust things I hear about by word of mouth.
Work in progressнезавершенная работа, доступная для обозренияდაუმთავრებელი ხელმისაწვდომი სამუშაო ან ნაწარმოებიTougher regulations remain a work in progress and should be ready for consideration by the council in about two months.
Yellow streakтрусость, малодушиеსიმხდალე, ლაჩრობა, სილაჩრეThey always said that Al Capone had a yellow streak a mile wide, but I think it was an exaggeration – he was not afraid of anybody.
Zero in onприцеливаться, нацеливаться на, обратить пристальное внимание наდაძაბული, დაჟინებული ყურადღება ექცევა1) The newspapers have zeroed in on his private life. 2) I think I have zeroed in on what has been causing the problem.
Zip it!замолчи, заткнисьგაჩუმდი, მოკეტეJust zip it, mate, I'm fed up with you.
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